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Read what other patients have said about us:

Lauren Horton, Chantilly

This group is so personable knowledgeable! I’ve been going to them for years and they are the best in the business! Highly recommend them!!

Michele McNeill, McLean

Dr. Ericksen and his team are EXCEPTIONAL! This is the best most friendly, professional team I have ever experienced! I am older, and I have been to many dental offices, none can hold a candle to Dr. Ericksen and his team! I love you all!

Richard Bodson, McLean

Dr. Ericksen and his entire team are the supreme dentistry experts. They are totally proficient and they care about all patients and their families. Every service and treatment I have received from them has been 100% effective and beneficial, and talking with them is totally encouraging and enjoyable. I actually look forward to all Ericksen, DDS & Team appointments.


We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.
